I am a graduate student at __ doing research on ___. (Applying, will update once finalizes)
Years of running behind and trying to bootstrap my startups drained me mentally, financially and physically. So to recharge, I decided to have fun. I have fun when I learn new things, teach 'em and program.
Hence this blog. This way I can document my learnings and observations on various topics. Topics are mentioned as tags. To see what I am/will be focussing on, go to projects page.
I love meeting new people. Send me an email, I'd love to chat. I reply to every mail. Better yet, subscribe to my personal mailing-list so that I can send you updates once maybe twice a month.
Since, you've stayed this long. Here's a small gift. A list of handy resources on Leadership, programming, product, finance etc. It's a pretty compact list and will remain so. I will add anything only if it crosses the midwit peak to the right.
Happy Hunting. Namaste