I have a confession to make. I have been a duct-tape programmer. No, not out of some conscious choice and experience but that being an only option because I didn't have a formal training in CS but had to build software for my startups. Things worked but only because it was there in the documentation or someone had written a blog about the same problem or there was a YT video.
Now that I am out of money and in no mood to raise from VCs, why not just learn actually. Now I need not worry about them thinking me stupid and not fund me.
These projects are the list of the things I'm focussing on and what I'm learning.
Once something gets completed, I will either write a blog or a YT video, summarising the whole thing. Think of it as cliff notes. So, subscribe to my mailing-list to get notified.
Programming resources. Choose it according to your time/interest. But I recommend doing all. And start with HtDP please.
In teachyourselfcs, the order is already set and determined. And you can use "Advanced Unix by Jan Schaumann" to supplement OS part.
Then there are projects that You'd want to build. But I'd recommend holding off until you study. With AI, you need not be a code monkey but education is paramount. And you are so old that you cannot afford to study full time, so this will always be part time. So better to solidify foundations first.
I love Economics, the physics of business world. However, could not get enough time during Masters to appreciate and learn as the course was intense, was studying finance and econ for the first time and more interested in searching for new ideas to build. This list is an attempt in redemption.
Well, there are a few things, I'd like to build. But this time, I want it to be organized, modular and better not some spaghetti code that just works. So, this can be on back-burner. Nonetheless this is still close to my heart and will push code to it whenever I can.
I like Finance but you've got only so many hours in a day balancing graduate school and all these projects. Although later, once I have completed (or at least made meaningful progress) on the above things, I'd like to improve upon my finance knowledge as well. That would largely come from Aswath Damodaran's YT channel and his books.
But there's one thing I'd definitely do, is teach a course on 'The Intelligent Investor' in the university (let's see where do I get in). It's a revered book, I thoroughly enjoyed it but found it more of a principle book now. And I don't think it's good to take it on the face value.
So the course would be teaching principles and demoing it's applications now. Would upload on my Youtube channel as well.